Figure 3. Ultrastructures of mesophyll cells (A, B, C, D) and chloroplasts (E, F, G, H) of transgenic rice Bt Shanyou 63 (Bt-SY63) (A, B) and its non-transgenic counterpart Shanyou 63 (SY63)(C, D) at 85-DAS (Days after seeding) in elevated O3 (B, D) and ambient O3 (A, C) conditions.
The black arrowhead indicates the injured nuclear membranes of Bt-SY63 (in B) and SY63 (in D) under elevated O3. Abbreviations: ch, chloroplast; cw, cell wall; pl, plastoglobuli; s, starch deposits; ts, thylakoid structures; g, grana; n, nucleolus. Bar: A, B, C, D - 1 μm; E, F, G, H - 200 nm.