Figure 5. Targets of HopM1 other than AtMIN7 are critical to Pph-induced defense responses.
A) Col-0 plants were infiltrated with buffer, Pph, Pph (HopM1) or Col-0 and atmin7 plants were left untreated. AtMIN7 protein levels were measured from samples collected at 9 and 24 hai by immunoblotting. Quantified data were normalized with the amount of AtMIN7 protein present in untreated Col-0 at each time point set to 1.The average and standard deviations from multiple replicates are shown below the blots. Ponceau staining of RuBisCo indicate equal loading. B) Col-0 or atmin7 plants were infiltrated with buffer, Pph, or Pph (HopM1). After 16 hours, leaves were cleared and stained with aniline blue and visualized by fluorescent microscopy. Representative pictures are shown. The scale bar in the bottom right picture is 100 microns. C) Image J was used to count small and big callose deposits. Shown are the average and standard deviations from three independent biological replicates. Paired two-tailed t-tests indicate that the callose deposits induced in Col-0 versus atmin7 did not differ for Pph or Pph (HopM1) (P>0.6).