Figure 3.
Sequence of key events in a trial of Experiment 1. Each trial began with central fixation on the background workshop scene, followed by between one and five randomly selected filler objects presented sequentially (not pictured). The last five objects in the sequence (pictured) could be tested at the end of the trial. Each object was presented for 1000 ms, and its removal coincided with the presentation of the next object in the sequence. In the figure, these objects are numbered 5 through 1, with Object 5 being the fifth object before the test and Object 1 the last object before the test. Each object was accompanied by a tone. A low-pitched tone (black symbol) indicated that the current object was unlikely to be tested. A high-pitched tone (red symbol), indicated that the current object was likely to be tested. After the last object in the sequence was displayed, participants fixated the center of the scene. Finally, the test object was displayed, and participants reposed to indicate “same” or “changed” (different token). In the present example trial, the last five objects before the test were, in order, aerosol can, fire extinguisher, electric drill, hammer, and lantern. A cue-position-2 trial is illustrated, in which the second object before the test was cued by the high-pitched tone. Cuing was valid in this example, as the cued object was tested at the end of the trial. The correct response for this trial was “changed”.