Figure 1.
Photographic examples of melanoma and vitiligo. A: Halo nevus clinical photograph, showing a central nevus and surrounding depigmentation. Photograph courtesy of Dr. Oleg Akilov. B: Primary melanoma regression. Photograph courtesy of Dr. Larisa Geskin. C: Melanoma associated vitiligo, in a melanoma patient post treatment with ipilimumab (anti-CTLA4). Vitiligo appeared on the lateral aspects of arms, with poliosis. Photograph courtesy of Dr. John M. Kirkwood. D, E: Photomicrographs of primary melanoma regression; D. Dense band like lymphocytic infiltrate (arrow) and fibroplasia (lower bracket) of papillary dermis (upper bracket) seen focally (thick bar upper right denotes 0.5 mm); E. Late stage of regression reveals dermal fibrosis (bracket), vascular ectasia (two arrows) and sprinkling of lymphocytes and melanophages (circle). F: Photomicrograph of regressed nevus demonstrates residual junctional melanocytes with slight distortion of architecture, dense lymphocytic infiltrates and few melanophages (circle) (thick bar upper right denotes 0.6 mm).