The layers of the optic tectum as seen in a osmium tetroxide fixed, toluidine blue stained, 1 µm (semithin) plastic sections. Micron bar = 60 µm
(PM) - Pia mater
(GL) - Glial Limitans
(SFM) - Stratum Fibrosum Marginale
(SO) - Stratum Opticum
(SFS) - Stratum Fibrosum Superficiale
(MCL) - Stratum Magnocellulare
(SGS) - Stratum Fibrosum Griseum
(IPL) - Internal Plexiform Layer
(SAC) - Stratum Album Centrale
(SPV) - Stratum Periventriculare
(JAL) - Stratum Juxtaventriculare Aquos
(EPL) – Ependyma