Fig. 3.
Effect of polarization, wavelength, and angle of the incident light on the growth of Se–Te lamellar films. (A–E) Polarization dependence under normal-incident illumination. Films grown under (A) randomly polarized, 625-nm illumination, (B) linearly polarized, 625-nm illumination with the electric field of the incident light oriented at a 45° angle to vertical, (C) same as B, but with the electric field of the incident light oriented horizontally, (D) growth under 940-nm illumination with the polarizer oriented vertically for 300 s and then horizontally for 300 s, and (E) growth under 940-nm illumination with continuous rotation of the polarization in 5° increments for a total rotation of 550°. (F–J) Wavelength dependence for normal-incident, linearly polarized light. Films grown under illumination wavelengths of (F) 365 nm, (G) 530 nm, (H) 780 nm, (I) 940 nm, and (J) 940 nm until −1.5 C/cm2 charge had passed, followed by 455 nm until −1.5 C/cm2 charge had passed. (K–O) Dependence on the incident angle for linearly polarized, 625-nm illumination. Films grown under illumination at an angle of (K) 0° from normal, (L) 20° from normal, (M) 40° from normal, (N) 60° from normal, and (O) +60° from normal until −0.9 C/cm2 of charge had passed, followed by an angle of −60° from normal until −1.1 C/cm2 of charge had passed. [Scale bar: 1 µm (applies to all images).]