Figure 1. Identification of Genetically Labeled PDGFRA+ Cells in the Intact and Demyelinated Adult Spinal Cord.
(A) Six days after induction of demyelination by injection of lysolecithin into the left ventrolateral white matter (dotted line), YFP+ cells can be seen throughout the white and gray matter and particularly concentrated within the lesion area (dpl, days postlesion; scale bar represents 500 μm).
(B) Many of the YFP+ cells express OLIG2 in their nuclei (scale bars represent 100 μm in low-power image and 10 μm in higher-magnification confocal image).
(C) Density of YFP+/OLIG2− and YFP+/OLIG2+ cells in normal nondemyelinated (intact) and demyelinated (lesion) tissue at 6, 14, and 21 DPL (n = 7, mean ± SD).
(D) Nearly all YFP+ cells coexpress the OLP markers NG2 and PDGFRA (scale bars represent 20 μm).