Figure 7. Radar chart analysis of protein aggregate and particle formation data from multiple analytical techniques to visualize the extent of IgG1 physical instability.
IgG1 mAb solutions containing 20 mM citrate phosphate buffer (pH 6.0) and varying NaCl concentrations were stressed by either heat at 65°C or stirring over time (n=3). Samples were evaluated by a combination of SEC, RMM and MFI. See methods section for experimental details of each accelerated stress study. The Y-axis represents the amount of time the samples was stressed (in minutes), the X-axis represents NaCl concentration, and each radar chart panel (left and right) denotes heating and stirring, respectively. Refer to Figure 6 for an explanation of units and scales used in the individual radar charts for each analytical method (SEC, RMM and MFI data).