Fig. 2. Chronic METH increases the inhibitory synaptic current in rat CA1 hippocampal pyramidal cells.
A, Whole cell voltage clamp recordings from CA1 hippocampal pyramidal cells in the slice. Representative traces illustrating the increase in sIPSC amplitude and frequency following chronic treatment of rats with METH or after a 24 h withdrawal (24 h METH Wd). B, Probability plots demonstrating the range of amplitudes for sIPSCs. C, Mean ± SEM, sIPSC amplitudes (means ± SEM). ANOVA, F(2,391)=31.2, P<0.0001; *P<0.05 vs. Con. D, Mean ± SEM, sIPSC frequencies. ANOVA, F(2,11)=8.3, P=0.0063; *P<0.001 vs. Con; †P<0.05 vs. Chronic METH; n=4-5 rats/group. D, Mean ± SEM, mIPSC half-width before and after 10 μM lorazepam (LZM). E, Representative traces. LZM produced significant increases in mIPSC half-width of similar magnitude in recordings from Con and Chronic METH groups. (LZM effect, *Con, t(10)=4.47, P=0.0012; *Chronic METH, t(10)=3.0, P=0.0133; Con vs. Chronic METH, t(10)=1.32, P=0.22); n=5-6 rats/group.