Figure 7. Premature retinopathy with phthisis and calcification of ocular wall (arrow).
A – Sonography: Hyperreflective line corresponding to ossification process of bulbar wall. B – CT reconstructed in the bone window: corresponding plane to the MR image; the gross calcifications appear as linear hyperdensities. C – T2w image at 1.5 T: Bulbar wall with very low signal intensity; the vitreous body is of inhomogeneous low signal intensity, and ultrastructures cannot be identified with certainty. D – Sagittal T2w image: Thickened retina with very low signal intensity as a sign of calcification; intraocular scar tissue is characterized by inhomogeneous MR signal intensity. E – H&E stain, 4× magnification: Histologically, the intraocular space is filled with fibromatous scar tissue, and there is ossification of the bulbar wall originating in the pigment epithelium.