Figure 7. The percentage of tetramer+ SIV-specific CD8 T cells that were expressing the proliferation marker Ki67.
The percentage of Mamu-A1/Tat tetramer+ cells (A and C) and Mamu-A1/Gag tetramer+ cells (B and D) that were Ki67+ in genital lymph nodes, axillary lymph nodes, mesenteric lymph nodes, and spleen is shown in the top panels and in vagina and cervix is shown in the bottom panels. Animal numbers, days post-SIVΔnef vaccination (dpv) and days post-challenge with WT-SIV (dpc) at necropsy are indicated below each graph. Significant decreases in the percentage of tetramer stained cells that were Ki67+ was observed in animals at 5 weeks (∼35 dpi) compared to 20 weeks (∼140 dpi) post-SIVΔnef vaccination. A significant increase in the percentage of Mamu-A1/Tat tetramer+ cells was observed in genital tissues during the first two weeks after challenge compared to animals just prior to challenge. *p-values are indicated. No significant difference was observed with Mamu-A1/Gag or Mamu-A1/Tat tetramer+ cells just prior to challenge compared to the first two weeks after challenge in lymphoid tissues or with MamuA1/Gag staining in genital tissues.