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. 2013 Dec 5;8(12):e82328. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0082328

Table 2. ITT-analysis and ITT-adjusted-for-treatment (AT) analysis of the cognitive learning performance.

Parameter Reference Script GbEl difference
N 117 63 81
gender ratio (M : F) ND 24 : 39 36 : 45
Median 17 27 29 2
mean (SD) [SE] 18.3 (4.13) 26.0 (3.99) 28.6 (3.53) 2.66^*^ [0.63]
CI mean 17.5 - 19.0 25.0 - 27.0 27.9 - 29.4 1.42 - 3.909
mean AT [SE] 26.0 29.1 3.12^**^ [0.7]
CI mean AT 25.1 - 26.8 28.2 - 30.0 1.8 - 4.5

Data are shown for the reference group (without specific training) as a baseline measurement and the script group (control) vs. the GbEl group (intervention). Performance was measured with a 34-point single choice test.

The last column shows the performance differences between the GbEl group and the script group. The relevance of the differences should be interpreted considering the baseline value of untrained students from the first column. An increase of 2.66 points from script-based instruction to GbEl is about 35 % of the increase of 7.7 points from baseline to script.

The ITT-AT analysis pronounces the differences between the groups taking into account which students actually received the training. The differences between the groups are highly significant and relevant (7.8 % resp. 9.2 % increase). The Cohen's d effect size is 0.71 for the ITT analysis and 0.89 for the ITT-AT analysis.

^*^: t-test p < 0.001

^**^: Wald test p < 0.001