Fig. 6.
Effects of mephedrone, methamphetamine or MDMA on hippocampal microglial activation. Mice were treated with mephedrone (Meph; 20 mg/kg), methamphetamine (Meth; 5 mg/kg) or MDMA (20 mg/kg), or the combinations of mephedrone + methamphetamine or MDMA. When given in combination, mephedrone was given 30 min prior to each of the 4 injections of methamphetamine or MDMA. Mice were sacrificed 2d after treatment for determination of hippocampal microglial activation using histochemical staining with ILB4 and representative results are shown for (A) control, (B) methamphetamine, (C) MDMA, (D) mephedrone, (E) mephedrone + methamphetamine and (F) mephedrone + MDMA. Numbers in the insets of each panel represent microglial counts and are the mean ± SEM for 5–7 mice per group. The calibration bar is 40 µm.