Table 1.
The typical features of novelty and surprise.
Features | Novelty | Surprise |
Type of knowledge store, process involved | Memory, memory recall | Predictor, prediction |
Variants of the knowledge and process involved | - Formation of new representations | - Deterministic expectations |
- Formation of new links between the representations of the features/components of the novel data | - Stochastic expectations | |
Time | Time not a key factor: items in memory are always available for comparison | Incoming data usually compared with a temporalized prediction |
Processes for novelty/surprise triggering | One phase: | Two phases: |
- Formulation of prediction | ||
- Experience does not match memory | - Prediction is violated | |
Typical functions | - Support the formation of new representations | - Support the improvement of predictions |
- Generate learning signals for the sub-component detecting novelty, or for other sub-components | - Generate learning signals for the predicting sub-component or for other sub-components | |
- Direct/motivate attention and learning resources to novel stimuli | - Direct/motivate attention and learning resources to unpredicted stimuli |