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. 2013 Dec 11;4:907. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00907

Table 1.

The typical features of novelty and surprise.

Features Novelty Surprise
Type of knowledge store, process involved Memory, memory recall Predictor, prediction
Variants of the knowledge and process involved - Formation of new representations - Deterministic expectations
- Formation of new links between the representations of the features/components of the novel data - Stochastic expectations
Time Time not a key factor: items in memory are always available for comparison Incoming data usually compared with a temporalized prediction
Processes for novelty/surprise triggering One phase: Two phases:
- Formulation of prediction
- Experience does not match memory - Prediction is violated
Typical functions - Support the formation of new representations - Support the improvement of predictions
- Generate learning signals for the sub-component detecting novelty, or for other sub-components - Generate learning signals for the predicting sub-component or for other sub-components
- Direct/motivate attention and learning resources to novel stimuli - Direct/motivate attention and learning resources to unpredicted stimuli