Arturo; lo que yo estaba haciendo
leyendo de la medicina..porque
aquí me dice no está de acuerdo
con usted ((Dr. Thomas is
hitting keyboard obscuring the
sound))…aquí me
dice..come medicamente con
Dr. Thomas; =yeah=
Arturo; =y usted me dice que media
hora antes de la comida
Dr. Thomas; no no esto no esto es
con comida..esto es media hora
antes (5.0) media hora
antes de las comidas
Arturo; no mas esa
Dr. Thomas; no mas esto
Arturo; [oh]
Dr. Thmas; [esto] esta es antes
esta es con
Arturo; m:
Arturo; what I was doing reading
about medicine..because here it
tells me is not in agreement
with you ((Dr. Thomas is hitting
keyboard obscuring the
sound))…here it tells me take medicine with
a meal=
Dr. Thomas; =yeah=
Arturo; =and you tell me that half
hour before a meal
Dr. Thomas; no no this this is
not with food..this is
half hour before
(5.0) half hour before a meal
Arturo; no more that
Dr. Thomas; no more this
Arturo; [oh]
Dr. Thomas; [this] this is before this
is with
Arturo; m: