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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2013 Dec 11.
Published in final edited form as: Health Phys. 2012 Mar;102(3):10.1097/HP.0b013e318235163f. doi: 10.1097/HP.0b013e318235163f

Table 2.

Summary of organ masses within two computational phantoms of the adult reference male: (1) UF Hybrid-NURBS and (2) UF Hybrid-Voxel. These organ masses are then compared to those in ICRP Publication 89 by organ, organ system, and for total body tissues (exclusive of walled-organ content), and total body mass (inclusive of wall-organ content).

Organ System Density Comment Target Volume UFH - NURBS UFH - Voxel ICRP 89
(g/cm3) (ICRU 46) (cm3) mass (g) % Diff mass (g) % Diff mass (g)

Respiratory System
ET1 (anterior nasal layer) 1.03 ICRU-46 ave soft tissue 0.43 0.54 ND
ET2 (posterior nasal layer) 1.03 ICRU-46 ave soft tissue 17.56 16.00 ND
ET2 (oral cavity layer) 1.03 ICRU-46 ave soft tissue 1.37 1.46 ND
ET2 (larynx) 1.07 50:50 soft tissue/cartilage 26.29 28.12 0.4% 28.17 0.6% 28.0
ET2 (pharynx) 1.03 ICRU-46 ave soft tissue 3.48 3.61 ND
Trachea 1.07 50:50 soft tissue/cartilage 9.39 9.96 −0.4% 9.97 −0.3% 10.0
Bronchi - extrapulmonary 1.07 50:50 soft tissue/cartilage 10.44 10.39 ND
Lungs (inclusive of blood) 0.38 calculated 1200.00 0.0% 1196.09 −0.3% 1200.0
Left Lung 0.38 calculated 502.32 −10.0% 501.76 −10.1% 558.1
Right Lung 0.38 calculated 697.68 8.7% 694.32 8.2% 641.9
Alimentary System
Tongue 1.05 muscle 69.52 73.16 0.2% 72.47 −0.7% 73.0
Salivary glands 1.03 ICRU-46 ave soft tissue 82.52 84.93 −0.1% 84.50 −0.6% 85.0
Parotid 1.03 ICRU-46 ave soft tissue 48.54 49.97 −0.1% 49.66 −0.7% 50.0
Submaxillary 1.03 ICRU-46 ave soft tissue 24.27 24.98 −0.1% 24.91 −0.3% 25.0
Sublingual 1.03 ICRU-46 ave soft tissue 9.71 9.98 −0.2% 9.92 −0.8% 10.0
Tonsils 1.03 ICRU-46 ave soft tissue 2.91 3.02 0.5% 2.98 −0.8% 3.0
Esophagus - wall 1.03 gastrointestine (adult) 38.83 39.98 −0.1% 40.11 0.3% 40.0
Stomach - wall 1.03 gastrointestine (adult) 145.63 150.41 0.3% 149.93 0.0% 150.0
Stomach - contents 1.03 ICRU-46 ave soft tissue 242.72 250.13 0.1% 251.59 0.6% 250.0
Small Intestine - wall 1.03 gastrointestine (adult) 631.07 653.65 0.6% 646.96 −0.5% 650.0
Small Intestine - contents 0.48 ICRU-46 ave soft tissue 736.02 350.00 0.0% 348.98 −0.3% 350.0
Right - wall 1.03 gastrointestine (adult) 145.63 150.31 0.2% 149.65 −0.2% 150.0
Right - contents 0.74 ICRU-46 ave soft tissue 201.63 150.00 0.0% 149.31 −0.5% 150.0
Left - wall 1.03 gastrointestine (adult) 145.63 150.17 0.1% 149.43 −0.4% 150.0
Left - contents 0.56 ICRU-46 ave soft tissue 134.14 75.00 0.0% 75.13 0.2% 75.0
Rectosigmoid - wall 1.03 gastrointestine (adult) 67.96 69.89 −0.2% 69.52 −0.7% 70.0
Rectosigmoid - contents 0.45 ICRU-46 ave soft tissue 167.35 75.00 0.0% 74.63 −0.5% 75.0
Liver 1.06 liver (fetus/child/adult) 1698.11 1802.64 0.1% 1799.68 0.0% 1800.0
Gall Bladder - wall 1.03 ICRU-46 ave soft tissue 9.71 10.05 0.5% 9.98 −0.2% 10.0
Gall Bladder - contents 1.03 ICRU-46 ave soft tissue 56.31 58.02 0.0% 58.06 0.1% 58.0
Pancreas 1.03 ICRU-46 ave soft tissue 135.92 140.10 0.1% 139.76 −0.2% 140.0
Circulatory System
Heart - wall 1.05 heart (fetus/child/adult) 314.29 330.20 0.1% 330.40 0.1% 330.0
Heart - content 1.06 blood (newborn/adult) 481.13 509.44 −0.1% 508.32 −0.3% 510.0
Urogenital System
Kidneys (Cortex+Medulla) 1.05 kidney (fetus/child/adult) 295.24 309.81 −0.1% 309.33 −0.2% 310.0
Cortex (70%) 1.05 kidney (fetus/child/adult) 217.54 228.08 −0.1% 227.75 −0.3% 228.4
Medulla (25%) 1.05 kidney (fetus/child/adult) 77.69 81.73 0.2% 81.58 0.0% 81.6
Pelvis (5%) 1.05 kidney (fetus/child/adult) 15.54 16.31 0.0% 16.28 −0.2% 16.3
Urinary Bladder - wall 1.04 bladder (adult-empty) 48.08 50.12 0.2% 49.69 −0.6% 50.0
Urinary Bladder - contentsa 1.01 urine of ave density 200.99 202.64 −0.2% 201.77 −0.6% 203.0
Penis 1.05 muscle (newborn/adult) 28.33 20.32 ND
Scrotum 1.03 ICRU-46 ave soft tissue 49.24 34.99 ND
Testes (2) 1.04 testes (adult) 33.65 35.06 0.2% 34.93 −0.2% 35.0
Prostate Gland 1.03 ICRU-46 ave soft tissue 16.50 17.00 0.0% 16.96 −0.2% 17.0
Skeletal System
Coastal Cartilage 1.10 cartilage (adult) 53.25 49.78 ND
Intervertebral Discs 1.10 cartilage (adult) 82.02 65.09 ND
Bone Tissues 1.39 volume-averaged 6772.11 9402.06 0.0% 9342.93 −0.6% 9400.0
Bone (CB, TB) 1.90 cortical bone (ICRP89 Para 436) 5500.0
Active Marrow b 1.03 red marrow (adult) 1170.0
Inactive Marrow 0.98 yellow marrow (adult) 2480.0
Teeth 3.00 ICRP 89 - Para 465 50.0
Miscellaneous c 1.03 ICRU-46 ave soft tissue 200.0
Integumentary System
Skin 1.10 all ages (ICRP89 Para 529) 3000.00 ND 3687.32 11.7% 3300.0
Additional Tissues
Adrenal Glands (2) 1.03 ICRU-46 ave soft tissue 13.59 13.99 0.0% 13.95 −0.3% 14.0
Brain 1.04 brain (newborn/infant/adult) 1394.23 1450.80 0.1% 1449.41 0.0% 1450.0
Breasts (2) 0.94 adipose#2 (newborn/child/adult) 26.60 25.02 0.1% 24.89 −0.4% 25.0
Ears 1.10 cartilage (adult) 25.87 16.24 ND
External nose 1.05 66:33 soft tissue/cartilage 15.31 8.69 ND
Eyes (2) 1.03 ICRU-46 ave soft tissue 14.56 15.00 0.0% 14.98 −0.1% 15.0
Lens (2) 1.07 eye lens (adult) 0.42 0.45 0.1% 0.45 −0.8% 0.5
Pituitary Gland 1.03 ICRU-46 ave soft tissue 0.58 0.60 0.2% 0.60 0.0% 0.6
Spinal Cord 1.04 brain (newborn/adult) 124.80 119.94 ND
Spleen 1.06 spleen (40wk fetus/adult) 141.51 150.05 0.0% 149.77 −0.2% 150.0
Thymus 1.03 newborn/adult (ICRP 89 Para 606) 24.39 24.97 −0.1% 24.85 −0.6% 25.0
Thyroid 1.05 thyroid (adult) 19.05 20.05 0.2% 19.97 −0.1% 20.0
Residual Soft Tissues (RST) 1.02 51016.45 −0.8% 51423.6
Bone-Associated Cartilage d 1.10 cartilage (adult) 953.0
Separable Fat 0.95 adipose#2 (newborn/child/adult) 14500.0
Skeletal Muscle 1.05 muscle (newborn/adult) 29000.0
Separable Connective Tissues 1.03 ICRU-46 ave soft tissue 2600.0
Fixed Lymphatic Tissues e 1.03 ICRU-46 ave soft tissue 730.0
Blood (large vessels) f 1.06 blood (newborn/adult) 1451.5
Miscellaneous RST g 1.03 ICRU-46 ave soft tissue 2189.0

Totals by Organ System
Respiratory System (not all tissues have ICRP reference values) 1271.36 1266.23 1238.0
Alimentary System - tissues of organ walls 3328.29 3399.45 3406.0
Alimentary System - GI tract and gall bladder content 958.15 957.69 958.0
Circulatory System - heart wall and content 839.64 838.73 840.0
Urogenital System - kidneys and urinary bladder wall 359.93 359.02 360.0
Urogenital System - urinary bladder content 202.64 201.77 203.0
Urogenital System - internal sex organs (prostate) 17.00 16.96 17.0
Urogenital System - external sex organs (penis, scrotum, and testes) 112.62 90.24 ND
Skeletal System - bone tissues 9402.06 9342.93 9400.0
Integumentary System ND 3687.32 3300.0
Additional Tissues - excluding residual soft tissue 1866.91 1843.74 1700.1
Additional Tissues - residual soft tissue ND 51016.45 51423.6

Total Body Tissues 71861 0.25% 71685
Total Body Mass 73021 0.24% 72847

No reference value is given in ICRP 89 and thus an approximate value is used as defined in the ORNL stylized adult phantom


Assumed to include the 7% of total blood volume as per Section 7.7.2 of ICRP 89


As per Section 9.2.15 of ICRP 89, miscellaneous skeletal tissues include periosteum and blood vessels, but exclude periarticular tissue and blood


Skeletal cartilage excludes the following non-bone associated regions of cartilage: external nose and ears, larynx, trachea, and extrapulmonary bronchi


Estimated from the reference adult values given in Section 7.8.2 of ICRP Publication 89 and scaled by total body mass


Taken as 25.92% of total blood pool as per Section 7.7.2 of ICRP 89 (other tissues, arota, large arteries, large veins)


Miscellaneous rest-of-body is added to force the total body mass to its ICRP 89 reference value