Effects of cac and Dmca1D mutations on spontaneous quantal release. (A) Examples of mEJP traces for WT, cacS, Dmca1DAR66, slo, cacS;;slo, and Dmca1DAR66;slo larvae. (B, C) Pooled data for mEJP amplitude (B) and frequency (C). Note fewer mEJPs in Dmca1DAR66 mutants in contrast to more frequent occurrence in cacS;;slo, and greater mEJP amplitude in WT and cacS;;slo compared to slo. The number of larvae is indicated for each genotype. Mean ± SEM. *, P<0.05, ** or ++, P<0.01 and *** or +++, P<0.001, One-way ANOVA with Fisher’s LSD test for multiple comparisons, WT (*) vs. other genotypes, or each pair indicated (+).