Figure 9.
Summary diagrams for slo mutation-induced homeostatic adjustments in synaptic transmission and growth and the potential roles of cac and Dmca1D in pre- and post-synaptic compartments. (A) The homeostatic adjustments are high-lighted in red and numbered: (1) up regulation of presynaptic Sh channel, (2) unaltered mEJP frequency, (3) decreased mEJP amplitude due to modified postsynaptic DGluRII subunit density and composition, and (4) increased number of satellite bouton growth. The potential roles of cac and Dmca1D Ca2+ channels and their site of action, as well as the rut adenylyl cyclase (AC)-mediated adjustments are depicted. (B and C) Modifications in mEJP (B) and EJP (C) amplitudes are summarized for cac, Dmca1D, slo, and their double-mutant combinations.