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. 2013 Dec 12;7:853. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00853

Table 2.

Passages vs. Baseline mean analysis.

Mean contrast Anatomical region Talairach coordinates Cluster size Stat max T BA
x y z
Passages > Baseline LH Lingual Gyrus −9 −82 0 8234 10.34 18
   LH Cuneus −14 −77 6 [] 9.88 17
   RH Lingual Gyrus 12 −88 −2 [] 8.61 18
   RH PCC 2 −55 6 [] 8.51 30
   LH Cerebellum −14 −77 −16 [] 7.92 *
   RH Cerebellum 6 −50 0 [] 7.13 *
   LH PCC −5 −68 10 [] 7.04 30
   RH Cuneus 6 −82 16 [] 6.78 18/17
LH Culmen/Fusiform −40 −48 −23 3337 8.01 37
   LH ant MTG −47 −3 −20 [] 7.15 21
LH Parahippocampal −23 −27 −6 241 6.43 28/27
LH IFG/MFG −53 23 20 163 6.01 45/46/9
RH MTG 47 −30 −1 280 5.75 22/21
RH anterior MTG 55 2 −16 421 5.55 21/38
   RH Amygdala 21 0 −17 [] 4.96 *
LH Angular Gyrus −44 −73 24 141 5.17 39
RH Parahippocampal 19 −25 −7 105 5.06 28/35

Cluster size in mm3. BA, Brodmann Area. All T-values are significant at p = 0.05.


Indicates region outside of Brodmann areas.

For large clusters, brackets indicate sub-cluster peaks in BA regions distinct from primary peak, extracted using a decreased peak search space of 4 mm within the main cluster.