Stabilized phase separation does not affect protein partitioning.
A, exemplary images of phase partitioning of a model transmembrane protein (trLAT) in untreated and 0.5 mm DCA-treated GPMVs. Red images show the localization of trLAT, which is approximately equal in both phases, relative to the fluorescent nonraft marker FAST DiO (green). B, partitioning quantified by Kp,raft (the ratio of fluorescent intensity in the raft divided by nonraft phase) was slightly, but not significantly, reduced by DCA for trLAT, a peripheral raft phase protein (GPI-anchored GFP), and an integral nonraft protein (TfR-GFP). Inset, Kp,raft of trLAT was not significantly different in control versus DCA-treated GPMVs isolated with either PFA/DTT or NEM. The higher raft phase partitioning in NEM GPMVs was expected (28). Data are mean ± S.D. (error bars) from 10–20 vesicles/condition, representative of three independent experiments.