Mutants and hybrids of the SynCph2 tongue region. A, UV-visible absorbance (left) and CD spectra (right) of SynCph2(1–2) wild type and mutants after far-red (Pr-state, black line) and red light illumination (red). Difference spectra (APr − APhotoequilibrium) are shown in blue. Green curves in the wild type spectra are calculated for pure Pfr (10). The partial lack of a wild type-like Pfr CD spectrum of Oscillatoria tongue is due to its instability. B, multiple sequence alignment of Group II phytochromes for GAF2 sequence stretches defining the tongue region. Tongue regions swapped between hybrid variants are depicted in black, conserved motifs are highlighted in red. Abbreviations: SynCph2_A (organism: Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803; GenBank entry: NP_442466.1; sequence identity: 100%), CyCph2_A2 (Cyanothece sp. PCC 7822; YP_003886347.1; 39%), OsCph2_B (Oscillatoria sp. PCC 6506; WP_007353933.1; 36%), NpCph2_E (N. punctiforme PCC 73102; YP_001868577.1; 34%).