Fig. 3.
Different pathways are modulated during EC morphogenesis and spreading. A, Heat map showing the average regulation levels of the KEGG categories significantly regulated in ECs morphogenesis (supplemental Table S5). Colors indicate the levels of regulation; blue = down-regulation; red = up-regulation, black = nonsignificantly regulated. Colored bars group categories according to the temporal and adhesion condition regulation. Yellow = Matr 12h, orange = Matr 24h, red = Matr 30h, blue = Spreading 24h. Black bars highlight the categories discussed in the manuscript. ARVC = Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy. Details of the one-dimensional annotation analysis are provided in the Experimental Procedures. B, Heat map and hierarchical clustering (proteins clustered based on Euclidean correlation distances) of 33 integrin adhesome proteins as in (42). The two highlighted clusters represent proteins with increased abundance in tubule morphogenesis (red) or spreading (blue). GOCC indicates the GO cellular component categories most overrepresented in the cluster. The colors of the heat map are based on the median of the SILAC ratio (sample/0h) as reported in supplemental Table S2.