Figure 5.
The effect of Shh on selected cortical progenitors obtained from 14 and 17 gw cerebral cortex. (A) Scheme of the protocol for the immunosorting of human RGCs (CD15+) and OPCs (CD140a+); Representative image of BLBP+ RGCs and PDGFRα+ early OPCs, 24 h after immunosorting. Sorted cells were cultured in three different media: Control medium (B27), PDGF and NT3+T3 media, and treated with Shh from 4-18 DIV. (B) Number of PDGFRα+ cells and O4+ cells per surface area in 17 gw RGCs cultures with control (B27), OPC expansion (PDGF) and OLs differentiation (NT3+T3) medium. (C) Protein levels of Olig2 measured by Western blot in RGCs and OPCs cultures with and without Shh treatment in the three different media. The increase levels of Olig2 protein was only observed in RGC cultures, being specially high in OPC expansion medium, and not in OPC cultures; GAPDH-loading control. Data are presented as mean ± s.e.m. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01 vs. control.