Figure 7. Verification of Octn2 binding to raft proteins in astrocytes.
(A) The cells were treated as given in Materials and Methods either without (control) or with 200 nM PMA. Proximity ligation assays were performed with use of rabbit anti-Octn2 antibody and either mouse anti-flotillin-1 or mouse anti-caveolin-1 antibody with the samples not-treated with the primary antibodies as reference. A possibility of caveolin-1/flotillin-1 interaction was verified with use of rabbit anti-caveolin-1 and mouse anti-flotillin-1 antibodies. Quantification (shown in right panels) was performed by measurements of fluorescence referred to number of nuclei (n = 10), *p<0.001 towards control without PMA. (B) Summarized results of proximity ligation assays. Statistical significance towards all other experimental systems with p<0.001 was indicated only in case of Octn2/caveolin-1 interaction after PMA.