Figure 1. Microglial cell feature with two types of shape was identified in the MFG-E8 positive cells in the retina of the RCS rats.
Double labelling was applied to detect the cell expressions MFG-E8 and CD11b. At P14 (A–C), most MFG-E8 labelled cells were found in the ganglion cell layer (GCL), with amoeboid shape (indicated by arrow heads). At P30 (D–F), MFG-E8 and CD11b positive cells show a well-ramified shape distributed in the whole retina (indicated by arrow heads). Double immunofluorescent staining indicates the expression of MFG-E8 (G) and ß5 integrin (H) in the retina of RCS rats at P90. (I) ß5 is mainly distributed in the subretinal space (SRS) and closely binds with MFG-E8 (indicated by arrow heads). Scale bar: 20 µm.