Figure 5. Colonization of the leek rhizosphere by Holophagae and strain CHC25 in soil.
Holophaga cell equivalent numbers were compared in non-sterile soil and sterilized soil (set up A) or in sterilized soil inoculated with strain CHC25 (set up B) at 0-2 mm and 10-12 mm distances from the nylon gauze with roots (A), and between 0-2 mm layers of the systems where a 1-cm of sterilized non-inoculated soil layer was placed between sterilized soil inoculated with strain CHC25 and the nylon gauze with (set up C), or without leek roots (set up D) (B). Bars on top of columns represent standard errors of means. SED = Standard error of difference; * or **, significantly different at levels of, respectively, 0.01 ≤ P < 0.001 and P ≤ 0.001.