Densitometry of pJNK and phospho-c-Jun western blots in whole cell lysate from LLC-SOD1and LLC-EGFP cells following different time points of ATP-DR with or without MitoTEMPO. A-C: Densitometry ratio of pJNK to total JNK in 30 min-5 min, 1h-15 min, and 2h-30 min. Over-expression of SOD1 prevents JNK phosphorylation in 1h or 2h ATP-DR but no effect at the 30 min ischemic time point. Results are means ± SEM. N=3; ‡, P < 0.001 vs. SF. D: Densitometry ratio of phospho-c-Jun to GAPDH. SOD1 also prevents c-Jun phosphorylation following 1h-15 min of ATP-DR. MitoTEMPO did not show any changes in either JNK or c-Jun phosphorylation. ‡, P<0.01 vs. SF; *, P < 0.05 vs. EGFP-DR.