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. 2013 Nov 27;2013:312758. doi: 10.1155/2013/312758

Table 3.

Learning targets of the “virtual station” within the hands-on training (HOT).

Picture number Related topic Mode (B/M) Details to recognize Difficulty level
1 Normal and edema B A-line, reverberation artifacts, multiple B-lines 2
2 Normal B Peritoneum, kidney, and bony rib artifact with posterior acoustic shadowing 1
3 Fluid differential diagnosis B Four B-mode views of fluids: subdiaphragmatic fluid and liver, ascites, spleen, and diaphragm, PLE, lobe atelectasis, diaphragm and liver, and ascites and small bowel 1
4 PLE B Spleen, fluid, and compression atelectasis 1
5 PLE/ascites B Small amounts of PLE, diaphragm, and ascites 2
6 Acoustic shadowing, anatomy and, stone B Liver and hyperechogenic diaphragm, gall bladder and stone with posterior acoustic shadowing 1
7 PLE, M-mode appearance B and M Small PLE, multiple comet tails, A-line, and separated visceral pleura 2
8 PLE B Large amount of PLE, good view of diaphragm and spleen 1
9 Peripheral pulmonary embolism B Visible triangular break in visceral pleural line due to peripheral pulmonary embolism, lung tissue 2
10 Lung pulse, normal M-mode B and M Reverberation artifacts of pleural line, lung pulse, sonoanatomical finding of “seashore” sign in the M-mode 2
11 Stratosphere sign B and M Multiple reverberation artifacts, pleural line 2
12 Lung point B and M Breakup of pleural line (change point between seashore/stratosphere sign) 2

PLE: pleural effusion; PTX: pneumothorax; US: ultrasound examination.