Fig. 6.
Cumulative percentage of birds that have been removed as a result of MDV by the end of the cohort duration, given an outbreak of MDV has occurred. The percentages are calculated for different strain virulence, duration of the cohort (30 days or 60 days) and unvaccinated or vaccinated birds. Different colors on the figures show different sizes of farm: 500 birds at 5 kg/m2 (red), 5000 birds at 5 kg/m2 (green), 5000 birds at 20 kg/m2 (blue), 30,000 birds at 35 kg/m2 (magenta). (a) Unvacc. 30 days, (b) unvacc. 60 days, (c) vacc. 30 days and (d) vacc. 60 days. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of the article.)