Figure 9. Rectangular frequency comb generation with MZMs.
(a) Amplitude difference between first-order sidebands and carrier component [−J1(πα/2)sin (π∈/2)−J0(πα/2)cos (π∈/2)]. Equalization of the amplitude between the two first-order sidebands and carrier is only possible if pairs of bias voltage ∈ and driving voltage α lying over the thick black line at zero level are used. This amplitude equalization not only leads to frequency components with the same power level but also ensures the same phase between them. (b) Field amplitude and (c) power of the three lower-order sidebands as a function of the normalized RF voltage, when the DC bias is set to equalize carrier and first-order sideband amplitudes. Power levels have been normalized to the maximum power reached by the first-order sidebands.