(A) Direct contrast of reminded vs. nonreminded CS+ during early extinction revealed only a vmPFC region (P < 0.05, corrected; BA 24). (B) Contrasting nonreminded CS+ vs. CS− in early extinction revealed an overlapping vmPFC region (P < 0.05, corrected). The BOLD time course of the nonreminded CS+ differed from the reminded CS+ during early extinction. The reminded CS+ did not differ from baseline (or CS−). (C) In early extinction, vmPFC mean BOLD responses (from the nonreminded CS+ vs. CS− in early extinction contrast) to the nonreminded CS+ were significantly lower than to the reminded CS+, which did not differ from CS−. As extinction progressed (from first to second half of extinction), the vmPFC mean BOLD responses increased only to the nonreminded CS+. Responses to the reminded CS+ and CS− remained at baseline level and did not change over time. *P < 0.05 (two-tailed t test); n.s., nonsignificant; error bars, SEM.