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. 2012 Aug 24;2(3):159–168. doi: 10.1055/s-0032-1307262

Table 1. A Summary Table of the Published Studies Related to Acute Schmorl's Nodes (SN).

Author (year) No. Age (years) Gender Pathology Back Pain History Mechanism Presentation Diagnosis Laboratory Exams Treatment Outcome
Lipson et al15 (1985) 1 49 M Painful C5 SN Progressive right neck pain Tomography: lucency surrounded by sclerosis
Discometrics: reproduced the pain
Normal ACDF Gradual reduction of pain in three months
McCall et al27 (1985) 8 16.4 (12–22) 6M, 2F L1-L2: 4
T12-L1: 2
L2-L3: 1
L4-L5: 1
Paralyric scoliosis (1), Scheurmann's kyphosis (3), spondylo-lysis (2) Acute vertical compression (blast explosion, motor vehicle accident, rugby injuries, falls) Acute progressive back-pain, limited radiation to the thigh Radiographs: end-plate fracture
Discography: reproduced pain
Kornberg20 (1988) 1 27 M L4 Forced lumbar flexion Acute lumbar pain MRI: intraosseousdisc heriation Normal
Walters et al17 (1991) 1 14 F L4 Competitive exercise Acute low back-pain MRI: inflammation and edema around the SN Conservative Improvement over four months, return to sports
Takahashi and Takata33 (1994) 5 14–81 2M, 3F Lumbar Low back pain MRI: T1 low intensity, T2 high intensity 3 conservative, 2 ALIF Improvement over three to four months
Tosi et al19 (1996) 1 16 F T12 and L1 SN leading to fibrocartilage-nous embolism Good health Hand-standing Acute back-pain, progressive paraplegia, complete sensory loss under T12 MRI: intraosseous disc herniation Normal Conservative Complete paraplegia
Leibner and Floman26 (1998) 1 19 M L4 SN Fall from height before 6 years of age Motor vehicle accident Acute low back pain CT: osteolytic lesion with sclerotic margins and tunneling of the L4 vertebral body
Seymour et al18 (1998) 8 49 (13-63) 3M, 5F SN at:
T6 (1)
T9 (1)
T10 (3)
T11 (3)
L1 (1)
L2 (3)
L3 (1)
Injury related in 2/8 Acute or exacerbation of chronic back pain MRI: intraosseous disc herniation with perinodal edema No infection or malignancy Conservative Significant reduction of edema in 7–10 months, complete edema resolution and fatty degeneration in 18 months
Grive et al21 (1999) 2 68 and 38 1M, 1F T11, L3 L5-S1 spondylolisthesis, plasmacy-toma Dorsolubar flexion injury, physical exercise Acute back pain without sciatica CT: radiolucent rim around a sclerotic area
MRI: low signal in T1 and high signal in T2 surrounded by edema and inflamation
Normal Conservative Gradual pain reduction by the second month
Khashaba31 (2000) 1 14 F L4 Motor vehicle accident Acute abdominal pain and lower spinal pain, painful flexion CT: irregular lucent are in the VB
MRI: end-plate defect and intraosseous disc herniation
Leone et al29 (2000) 1 76 F T12-L3 Pre-B acute lympobla-stic leukemia Chronic back pain MRI Lymphobla-stic leukemia Conservative Death due to primary disorder
Wagner et al32 (2000) 14 30 (19-45) 12M, 2F Thoraco-lumbar region 9 motor vehicle accidents, 5 ski jumping Acute low back pain without radiculopathy MRI: end plate defects and marrow edema Conservative Improvement
Hasegawa et al10 (2004) 1 55 F L3 Recurrent low back pain No obvious injury Acute exacerbation low back pain Discography demonstrated the leakage into the VB, MRI L2-L3 interbody fusion Improvement
Masala et al14 (2006) 23 72.5 (61–84) 7M, 16F Chronic painful spinal SN Back pain for 6 months CT, MRI Percutaneous vertebroplasty 18 improved, 3 did not worsen
Crawford and Van der Wall28 (2007) 1 57 F SN at L4 Scheurmann's disease Gardening plus minor trauma Acute back pain Bone scintigraphy: increased uptake
MRI: bone marrow edema
Normal Conservative Substantial edema resolution after 18 months
Park et al24 (2007) 1 52 F SN at T8 Mid thoracic back pain radiating to right scapula Fall Acute exacerbation of the back pain MRI: Contrast enhancing lesion marrow edema Conservative Reduction of the edema but persistence of the enhancement at 5 and 9 months; no enhancement by the 26th month; clinical improvement
Fucuta et al12 (2009) 1 19 M SN at T11, T12 Back pain for over two years Soccer player, no obvious injury Chronic progressive pain MRI, discography reproduced the pain Anterior interbody fusion Return to play
Pilet et al22 (2009) 1 36 M SN at L3 and L4 Long history of back pain, mini-discectomy at L5-S1 before 17 years of age Discography-induced SN Acute back pain, different from the pre-existing one MRI: subchondral bone marrow edema, no enhancement Normal CRP, high ESR Conservative Schmorl node by the 7th week; persistence of findings by the 5th month
Wegner and Markwalder11 (2009) 1 31 M L4 SN Healthy No obvious injury Progressive lumbalgia MRI: marked rim of bone edema at the VB Orthosis followed by fluoronavigation-assisted vertebroplasty Improvement
Jang et al23 (2010) 1 82 M L4 SN No obvious injury Acute back pain MRI: SN with adjacent marrow edema Normal Rami communicantes nerve block Improvement
Mittal et al25 2010) 1 10 M Acute painful SN at T12 and L1 Acute calcific discitis Yoga session MRI: SN with adjacent marrow edema and calcification Conservative Improvement
Paterakis et al (2011) 1 16 M L5 No past medical problems Monofin swimming Acute back pain MRI: SN with adjacent marrow edema Normal Conservative Improvement

M, male; F, female; CT, computerized tomography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; VB, vertebral body.