Figure 6. Id3−/− iNKT cells failed to induce the stage 3-associated transcriptional program.
Histograms showing (A) PLZF or (B) TBET in total (left), stage 1 (middle) and stage 2 (right) iNKT cells from WT (grey line) and Id3−/− (black line) mice. Shaded histogram is expression of the respective protein in conventional CD4+ thymocytes, which are a negative control. (C) Average number of TBET+ iNKT cells in the thymus. The graph shows the mean ± SD from 12 independent experiments. n=12, ***p<0.001. (D) qPCR analysis of Tbx21 mRNA in sorted stage 1 and 2 iNKT thymocytes from WT and Id3−/− mice. The y-axis indicates change relative to expression in WT stage 1. The graph shows the mean ± SD from 3 independent experiments. Two mice for each mouse strain were pooled for each experiment. n=3, **p<0.01, ***p,0.001, two-tailed unpaired t test. (E) A set of 70 genes that are progressively upregulated during the transition from WT stage 1 through stage 3 was identified by analyzing normalized data from the Immunological Genome Consortium. The expression of each gene in WT and Id3−/− stage 1 and stage 2 iNKT cells is shown as a heatmap.