Table 1.
State-of-the-art MRI-TRUS fusion methods indicating the commercial system (where available), technical work, whether each method requires volumetric (3D) or planar (2D) imagery, the type of manual intervention required, the number of studies, and the reported root mean square error (RMSE). Direct comparison between RMSE for different systems is not possible as different internal fiducials (or in some cases phantoms) were used to evaluate each method.
Commercial System |
Technical Work |
2D/3D | Intervention | Studies | Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) |
Urostation | Reynier et. al.20 | 3D | Manual prostate segmentation on TRUS | 11 | 2.07 ± 1.57 mm (urethra) 1.11 ± 0.54 mm (prostate 1.11 ± 0.54 mm (prostate |
ProFuse | Narayanan et. al.21 | 3D | Semi-automated prostate segmentation on TRUS | 2 | 3.06±1.41 mm (phantom) |
Karnik et. al.22 | 3D | Semi-automated prostate segmentation on TRUS | 16 | 2.13 ± 0.80 mm | |
UroNav | Xu | 3D | Manual refinement of prostate segmentation on TRUS | 20 | 2.3 ± 0.9 mm (phantom) |
- | Hu | 3D | Manual identification of prostate apex and base on TRUS, adjustment of filter weights | 8 | 2.40 mm (median) |
- | Mitra | 2D | Manual prostate segmentation on TRUS | 20 | 1.60 ± 1.17 mm |