The cumulative percentage of patients with clinical outcomes (defined in Materials and Methods) from Kaplan-Meier life table analyses are shown. Patients were categorized according to their randomized untreated control or treated status and the change in hepatic inflammation between baseline and year 1.5 (y-axis) (A) or change in serum ALT between baseline and year 1.5 (y-axis) (B). For panel A, sample sizes in the control group were: HAI worse (n = 109), HAI same (n = 203), HAI improved (n = 102) and in the treated group were: HAI worse (n = 73), HAI same (n = 178), HAI improved (n = 169). For panel B, sample sizes in the control group were: ALT worse (n = 61), ALT same (n = 248), ALT improved (n = 105) and in the treated group were: ALT worse (n = 73), ALT same (n = 200), ALT improved (n = 147). P values for differences among the three groups were derived from a Cox regression analysis for the control and treated groups evaluated separately.