Figure 4.
Restoration of retinal circuitry under the lesion. A, Schematic of two outcomes of the photoreceptor migration: “no rewiring, ” which leaves this circuitry without the input of photoreceptors located above it, and “rewiring, ” which leads to restoration of retinal circuitry under the lesion. B, EIs of four cells from one retinal preparation. Sample voltage waveforms corresponding to dendritic, cell body, and axon locations are shown for one cell on the left. C, Top: Photograph of retinal preparation with 2-d-old and 2-month-old lesions placed over the multielectrode array with the overlaid receptive field of the recorded RGCs. The RPE abnormality zones for the two lesions are outlined in cyan. Bottom: The soma locations of the RGCs that responded to visual stimulus (magenta dots). Two of the 400-μm-diameter black circles are centered on the two lesions and the other three are located randomly over the healthy retina. D, The comparison of densities of RGCs responsive to visual stimulus located within the 400-μm-diameter circle centered over the acute (1, 2 d) and healed (2 months) lesions for 2 retinas. The densities are relative to the RGC densities in the healthy regions of the same retinas.