Figure 5.
CRF stimulates transcriptional activity of CRE (A) and AP1 responsive elements (B) and POMC promoter (C). ARPE-19 cells, passages 25–28, were transiently transfected with firefly luciferase reporter gene constructs: pCRE-Luc (under control of CRE), pAP1-Luc (under control of AP1) and p-POMC-Luc (driven by the sequence of the human POMC promoter −771 to −8) and phRL-TK (Renilla luciferase used as transfection efficiency control; Pisarchik & Slominski 2004, Slominski et al. 2005, Zbytek et al. 2006). The transiently transfected cells were treated with serial dilutions of CRF, lysed after 24 h after treatment and activity of the promoter measured. Data are presented as means±s.e.m. (n=3). *P<0.05.