Figure 6.
Expression of genes for CYP11A1 (A), CYP11B1 (B), CYP17 (C) and CYP21A2 (D) in human ARPE cells. Nested RT-PCRs were performed as described in Materials and Methods section and amplification on predicted fragments of CYP11A1, 390 bp; CYP11B1, 215 bp; CYP17, 222 bp and CYP21A2, 199 bp was detected. 100 kb DNA ladder, M; ARPE-19 passages 24, p24 and 30, p30 (A, C and D) or 26, p26; 31, p31; 37, p37 (B), negative control without cDNA, C. (E) Production of cortisol from progesterone was assayed by ELISA as described in the Materials and Methods section.