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. 2012 Nov 5;35(2):593–615. doi: 10.1002/hbm.22194

Table A1.

Full list of studies and number of foci included in this article

Task domain (X/Y) Imaging modality N Task description No. of foci
Emotion (18/9): 62
Imaizumi et al. 1997 PET Emotion in speaker voice vs. Speaker identification 5
Lane et al. 1997 PET IAPS pictures 2
Paradiso et al. 1999 PET/1.5T fMRI IAPS pictures 10
Simpson et al. 2000* 1.5T fMRI IAPS pictures 2
Abel et al. 2003* 1.5T fMRI Ketamin and facial emotion recognition 2
Gündel et al. 2003 1.5T fMRI Grief 5
Markowitsch et al. 2003* 1.5T fMRI Happy vs. sad autobiographical memory and fMRI 2
Ueda et al. 2003* 1.5T fMRI Expectancy of emotional stimuli (warned reaction task) 1
Canli et al. 2004* 3T fMRI Lexical decision task for neutral, happy, sad, and threat‐related words 2
Lee et al. 2004 1.5T fMRI Unpleasant vs. neutral IAPS pictures 3
Najib et al. 2004* 1.5T fMRI Women who had romantic relationship breakup 8
Takahashi et al. 2004 1.5T fMRI IAPS pictures 1
Habel et al. 2005 1.5T fMRI Happy vs. sad faces 2
Bermpohl et al. 2006 3T fMRI IAPS pictures 2
Hofer et al. [2006]* 1.5T fMRI Gender difference in fMRI images during the perception of emotion 6
Hofer et al. 2007 1.5T fMRI IAPS pictures 6
Jollant et al. 2008* 1.5T fMRI IAPS pictures (angry, happy vs. neutral), suicidal behavior 2
Park et al. 2010* 1.5T fMRI Integration of emotional information from different sources 1
Executive function (13/6): 58
Rao et al. 1997 1.5T fMRI Conceptual reasoning vs. sensorimotor control 3
Dagher et al. 1999)* PET Tower of London task 2
Jahanshahi et al. 2000 PET Random number generation vs. Counting 2
Liddle et al. 2001 1.5T fMRI Go‐No‐Go task 15
Dreher et al. 2002* 1.5T fMRI Letter discrimination with task‐switching conditions 4
Ernst et al. 2002 PET Risk taking task 10
Schall et al. 2003* PET/1.5T fMRI Tower of London task 2
Daniels et al. 2003 1.5T fMRI Random number generation 2
Beauchamp et al. 2003* PET Tower of London 3
Blackwood et al. 2004 1.5T fMRI Decision making (uncertain vs. certain conditions) 2
Kondo et al. 2004* 1.5T fMRI Arithmetic and memory tasks 6
Harrington et al. 2004 1.5T fMRI Decision making (interval timing) 4
Gilbert et al. 2008* 3T fMRI Random generation task 3
Language (15/4): 68
Ojemann et al. 1998 PET and 1.5T fMRI Word stem completion (covert) vs. fixation 7
Schlosser et al. 1998 1.5T fMRI Verbal fluency 6
Lurito et al. 2000 fMRI Word generation vs. viewing nonletter symbols 3
Seger et al. 2000 1.5T fMRI Verb generation 13
Gurd et al. (2002) 1.5T fMRI Semantic fluency (categories) vs. overlearned sequence fluency 1
Noppeney et al. 2002 PET Semantic decision 2
Xiang et al. 2003 1.5T fMRI Semantic discrimination 1
McDermott et al. 2003 1.5T fMRI Semantic vs. Phonological word lists 3
Seki et al. 2004 3T fMRI Vowel exchange vs. Reading words and nonwords 2
Tieleman et al. 2005 1.5T fMRI Semantic vs. perceptual categorization 3
Callan et al. 2006* 3T fMRI Listening and covert production of singing relative to speech 2
Frings et al. 2006 1.5T fMRI Verb generation 17
Rauschecker et al. 2008* 3T fMRI Test of nonword repetition 4
Sweet et al. 2008* 1.5T fMRI Effects of phonological similarity on verbal working memory (2‐back and 0‐back) 2
Durisko et al. 2010* 3T fMRI Contribution of cerebellum to verbal working memory 2
Music* (7): 57
Zatorre et al. 1994 PET Auditory processing of melody 3
Ramnani et al. [2001] PET Rhythmic learning 3
Pope et al. 2005 3T fMRI Rhythmic sequence production 10
Grahn et al. 2007 3T fMRI Rhythm and beat perception 2
Chen et al. 2008 1.5T fMRI Rhythm perception and production 26
Thaut et al. 2008 1.5T fMRI Rhythmic production/formation 7
Karabanov et al. 2009 1.5T fMRI Rhythmic production 6
Timing* (9): 36
Tracy et al. 2000 1.5T fMRI Time interval production task 5
Jäncke et al. 2000 1.5T fMRI Paced finger‐tapping task 4
Dreher et al. 2002 1.5T fMRI Timing prediction task 2
Smith et al. 2003 1.5T fMRI Temporal discrimination task 1
Jantzen et al. 2005 1.5T fMRI Self‐paced rhythmic timing task 12
Tregellas et al. 2006 3T fMRI Auditory temporal discrimination task 2
Stevens et al. 2007 3T fMRI Temporal reproduction 3
Jantzen et al. 2007 1.5T fMRI Continuation paradigm 2
O'Reilly et al. 2008 3T fMRI Temporal perception task 5
Working memory(26/18): 116
Fiez et al. 1996* PET Working memory and PET 5
Schumacher et al. 1996* PET Verbal working memory and its modality‐specific representations 1
Jonides et al. 1998* PET Role of parietal cortex in verbal working memory 3
LaBar et al. 1999 1.5T fMRI 2‐back task; spatial WM 1
Thomas et al. 1999* 1.5T fMRI Spatial working memory – children and adults 2
Honey et al. 2000 1.5T fMRI 2‐back vs. Control 1
Gruber et al. 2001 3T fMRI Letter memory vs. Uppercase/lowercase judgment 1
Cairo et al. 2004 fMRI Sternberg working memory 8
Kirschen et al. 2005 3T fMRI Regions of linear and quadratic increases in activation with increasing memory load 6
Chen et al. 2005b 3T fMRI Sternberg working memory 13
Chen et al. 2005a* 3T fMRI Verbal working memory 9
Tomasi et al. 2005 4T fMRI n‐back 3
Valera et al. 2005 1.5T fMRI n‐back 1
Woodward et al. 2006* 1.5T fMRI Verbal working memory 5
Geier et al. 2007* 3T fMRI Spatial working memory (oculomotor delayed response task) 3
Hayter et al. 2007* 3T fMRI Verbal working memory (Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test, PASAT) 2
Tomasi et al. 2007* 4T fMRI n‐back and visual attention tasks 3
Yeh et al. 2007* 1.5T fMRI Visuospatial working memory for change detection 1
O'Hare et al. 2008* 3T fMRI Parametric verbal Sternberg working memory task 4
Scheuerecker et al. 2008* 1.5T fMRI 2‐back vs. 0‐back 5
Hautzel et al. 2009* 1.5T fMRI 2‐back paradigm and extracting %change in BOLD signal 19
Koelsch et al. 2009* 3T fMRI Functional architecture of verbal and tonal working memory 1
Durisko et al. 2010* 3T fMRI Delayed serial recall (DSR) task 7
Schulze et al. 2011* 3T fMRI Verbal and tonal working memory (musicians and nonmusicians) 5
Marvel et al. 2010b* 3T fMRI Sternberg working memory 2
Kirschen et al. 2010* 3T fMRI Load‐dependent verbal working memory 5

X, total number of studies included in each domain; Y, total number of articles not included in previous meta‐analysis; N, total number of foci included in each domain, and task type and articles marked with an asterisk (*) are ones not included in the previous meta‐analysis conducted by Stoodley and Schmahmann 2009.