Figure 2.
Event-related potentials. A, Time courses of neural responses to each tone frequency in each condition. Bar graphs indicate mean response magnitudes in the N1 time window (80–120 ms; dashed lines). Topographies depict N1 magnitudes (mean across the two edge frequencies). B, Slopes of the linear fits to the N1 magnitude as a function of RA index. The bar graph depicts mean (±SE) slopes and the topographies show the respective spatial distribution. *p < 0.001. Bottom: Predicted N1 magnitudes as a function of RA indices for τ = 1.8 s and individually estimated σ. Mean linear fits are depicted by colored lines and individual fits in gray. Red dots at RA index = 0 reflect the individual observed N1 magnitudes at no adaptation. C, Mean (±SE) σ as a function of τ estimated for the N1 time window (dashed line marks the recovery observed by Sams et al., 1993; τ = 1.8 s). The bar graph and the Gaussian functions show mean adaptation spread (±SE) for each condition at τ = 1.8 s. *p < 0.05.