Figure 5.
Calcium decreases mitochondrial bioenergetics in a dose-dependent manner. Increasing doses of calcium were added to the mitochondria after the addition of the complex I substrates pyruvate and malate. An increase in the nmol of oxygen consumed upon addition of calcium was observed, which reaches significance at 500 nmol/mg mitochondrial protein and later. Similarly, with increasing calcium concentrations, a trend in decreased bioenergetic response was observed in State III (ADP) and State V (FCCP) respiration whereas State IV(oligomycin) response remained unaltered. Calcium did not affect the complex II (Succinate) driven oxygen consumption. Data represent group means ± s.e.m.; n = 3 per group. One-Way ANOVA followed by Fisher's post-hoc test; *p < 0.05 compared to 0 nmol/mg calcium.