Table 4.
Results of bivariate latent difference score models examining the reciprocal effects of self-efficacy and panic symptoms, and anxiety sensitivity and panic symptoms.
Parameter estimate | Self-efficacy and panic
Anxiety sensitivity and panic
Initial status | ||||
Mean (SE) | 68.48 (1.24)*** | 11.21 (.302)*** | 2.171 (.039)*** | 11.27 (.287)*** |
Variance (SE) | 430.46 (38.18)*** | 25.05 (2.48)*** | .487 (.04)*** | 22.26 (2.02)*** |
Constant change (α) | ||||
Mean (SE) | −38.59 (15.27)* | 7.49 (3.13)* | −.006 (.048) | .951 (.235)*** |
Variance (SE) | 63.90 (43.87) | 2.55 (1.57) | .154 (.036)*** | 1.772 (.476)*** |
Proportional change (β) | ||||
β1 (SE) | .366 (.119)** | −.375 (.111)** | −.589 (.071)*** | .297 (.092)** |
β2 (SE) | .325 (.115)** | −.396 (.119)** | −.597 (.068)*** | .319 (.093)** |
β3 (SE) | .323 (.119)** | −.367 (.125)** | −.534 (.063)*** | .297 (.091)** |
β4 (SE) | .313 (.122)* | −.441 (.122)*** | −.566 (.063)*** | .266 (.090)** |
β5 (SE) | .321 (.124)* | −.401 (.128)** | −.507 (.059)*** | .173 (.089) |
β6 (SE) | .331 (.124)* | −.389 (.126)** | −.558 (.063)*** | .337 (.098)** |
β7 (SE) | .315 (.124)* | −.412 (.131)** | −.524 (.055)*** | .221 (.090)* |
β8 (SE) | .356 (.127)* | −.468 (.128)*** | −.563 (.058)*** | .090 (.086) |
β9 (SE) | .314 (.124)* | −.498 (.137)*** | −.585 (.066)*** | .149 (.105) |
β10 (SE) | .322 (.125)* | −.499 (.137)*** | −.637 (.073)*** | .246 (.119)* |
Residual error | ||||
125.57 (11.98)*** | 7.864 (.281)*** | .072 (.011)*** | 7.883 (.227)*** | |
61.33 (6.57)*** | 7.864 (.281)*** | .068 (.007)*** | 7.883 (.227)*** | |
82.06 (7.33)*** | 7.864 (.281)*** | .071 (.006)*** | 7.883 (.227)*** | |
65.51 (5.92)*** | 7.864 (.281)*** | .066 (.006)*** | 7.883 (.227)*** | |
55.64 (5.66)*** | 7.864 (.281)*** | .067 (.006)*** | 7.883 (.227)*** | |
28.37 (3.59)*** | 7.864 (.281)*** | .060 (.006)*** | 7.883 (.227)*** | |
39.89 (4.16)*** | 7.864 (.281)*** | .043 (.004)*** | 7.883 (.227)*** | |
31.79 (3.29)*** | 7.864 (.281)*** | .038 (.004)*** | 7.883 (.227)*** | |
22.91 (2.38)*** | 7.864 (.281)*** | .048 (.004)*** | 7.883 (.227)*** | |
13.64 (1.85)*** | 7.864 (.281)*** | .048 (.005)*** | 7.883 (.227)*** | |
14.33 (3.08)*** | 7.864 (.281)*** | .055 (.006)*** | 7.883 (.227)*** | |
Bivariate coupling (γ) | SEQt − 1 → ΔPDSSt | PDSSt − 1 → ΔSEQt | ASIt − 1 → ΔPDSSt | PDSSt − 1 → ΔASIt |
γ1 (SE) | −.060 (.028)* | 1.282 (.668) | −2.434 (.460)*** | .099 (.015)*** |
γ2 (SE) | −.060 (.028)* | 1.725 (.729)* | −2.516 (.451)*** | .101 (.015)*** |
γ3 (SE) | −.060 (.028)* | 1.874 (.741)* | −2.186 (.447)*** | .095 (.014)*** |
γ4 (SE) | −.060 (.028)* | 1.919 (.711)** | −2.534 (.448)*** | .095 (.014)*** |
γ5 (SE) | −.060 (.028)* | 2.001 (.747)** | −1.641 (.419)*** | .088 (.014)*** |
γ6 (SE) | −.060 (.028)* | 1.650 (.735)* | −2.619 (.472)*** | .102 (.015)*** |
γ7 (SE) | −.060 (.028)* | 2.236 (.764)** | −1.982 (.420)*** | .088 (.013)*** |
γ8 (SE) | −.060 (.028)* | 1.644 (.715)* | −1.647 (.413)*** | .098 (.014)*** |
γ9 (SE) | −.060 (.028)* | 2.401 (.808)** | −1.949 (.476)*** | .101 (.016)*** |
γ10 (SE) | −.060 (.028)* | 2.195 (.826)** | −2.576 (.521)*** | .113 (.018)*** |
Correlations | ||||
ρ0s | −.511*** | .515*** | .150* | −.366*** |
ρx0 y0 | −.438*** | .653*** | ||
ρxs ys | −.976*** | .947*** | ||
Model fit | ||||
χ2 (df) | 618.48 (217)*** | 534.73 (208)*** | ||
RMSEA | .078 | .066 | ||
CFI | .945 | .963 | ||
TLI | .942 | .959 |
p < .05
p < .01
p < .001;
SEQ = self-efficacy, ASI = anxiety sensitivity; PDSS = panic disorder symptoms. SE = standard error, CFI = comparative fit index; TLI = Tucker–Lewis index.