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. 2013 Dec;63(6):508–514.

Table 1.

Sex, age, and IL2 and IFNγ levels of paired STLV1-infected and -uninfected rhesus macaques

Macaque Sex Age (mo) IL2 (pg/mL) IFNγ (pg/mL) Macaque Sex Age (mo) IL2 (pg/mL) IFNγ (pg/mL)
17006 F 349 not tested 43 7707 F 342 not tested <5
22688 F 281 not tested 62 18485 F 276 not tested <5
32223 F 257 <5 174 32229 F 244 <5 <5
32218 F 243 6 140 32226 F 243 <5 <5
24450 M 241 7 <5 21876 M 232 9 <5
24453 M 231 not tested 133 21779 M 222 not tested <5
32225 F 230 not tested 158 21020 F 229 not tested <5
20994 F 230 6 155 20976 F 230 11 14
21225 F 227 8 36 21100 F 228 8 <5
32217 F 214 6 32 22159 F 227 10 <5
32018 F 175 20 18 24375 F 183 6 <5
32023 F 174 9 130 24681 F 173 5 <5
32019 F 173 6 214 24722 F 173 10 47
32020 F 173 20 <5 24676 F 173 6 <5
24640 M 163 not tested 108 24199 M 174 not tested <5
32021 F 162 55 1187 25568 F 160 <5 <5
32033 F 139 9 119 26618 F 138 8 <5
33596 F 137 32 162 25424 F 150 5 <5
32028 F 137 8 11 26679 F 137 8 <5
25928 F 134 not tested 17 25948 F 134 not tested 14
31923 F 121 32 92 26327 F 131 5 <5
28875 M 90 6 13 28717 M 91 11 <5
32032 F 83 not tested 70 28772 F 85 not tested <5
32037 F 80 9 10 28764 F 77 5 <5
31932 F 73 not tested <5 28982 F 84 not tested 7