Phase 1 Protection (generally first 2‐6 weeks)
Avoid active shoulder ABD, FLEX, and ER minimum of 2 weeks
No lifting >1 pound
Wear sling at all times
Repairs that require significant mobilization or greater tension should be immobilized for full 6 weeks
Phase 2a Motion (generally weeks 4‐8)
Scar mobility
Restore AROM
Painfree ADLs
Scapular retraction & protraction
Progression to full AROM
Gentle “two‐finger” isometrics in all planes
Aerobic conditioning (stationary bike ‐wearing sling)
Lower extremity resistance training allowed
Wean from sling (may wear sling during lower body and aerobic exercises)
Avoid overhead activity
AAROM & AROM should be in painfree range
Avoid PROM horizontal abduction & shoulder flexion above 90°
Phase 2b Motion Progression (generally weeks 6‐10)
Progress AROM
Painfree ADLs
Avoid overhead activity
Strengthening should be in painfree range
NO push‐ups, heavy lifting, or sports participation
Avoid PROM horizontal abduction & shoulder flexion above 90°
Phase 3a Strength (week 9 up to 3 months)
In general, beginning strength exercises are performed with light resistance in ranges below shoulder level
No heavy lifting (varies by patient / athlete)
Avoid approaching 90° ABD and ER positions
No contact sports / activities
No military schools (i.e., airborne or air assault school for military &cadets)
Phase 3b Strength Progression (4 months to 8 months)
Progress painfree strengthening
Push-ups at own pace painfree
Return to most military and cadet activities
In general, progression of strength exercises are performed with moderate resistance in ranges below 90°-120°
Avoid painful overhead activities
Avoid resistance in 90° ABD and ER positions
No contact sports / activities
No military schools (i.e., airborne or air assault school for military & cadets)
No chest press type exercises
Phase 3c Strength Progression (6 months to 12 months)
Neuromuscular & strength exercise progression
Body blade™ approaching or at endrange
Two-hand overhead diagonal ball toss progressing to regular throwing toss
Weight shifting & progression to unstable platforms
push-up progression adding “push-up plus”
Progression of diagonal (chop and lift type) exercises
Supine shoulder stabilization at available ranges
Scapular strengthening progression (push-up plus)
In general, progression of strength exercises are performed with moderate to heavy resistance in full range and should be painfree
Avoid painful overhead activities
Avoid heavy resistance in 90° ABD and ER positions
No contact sports / activities until 9-12 months
No military schools (i.e., airborne or air assault school for military & cadets) until 9-12 months
Avoid heavy bench press type exercises indefi nitely