Figure 7. Coral growth and bioerosion as functions of temperature anomaly in west (W) and east (E), 7 m and 20 m depth.
Coral growth rate of Porites lutea nubbins at all study sites (n = 20, df = 1, F-value = 4.4, r2 = 0.46, p = 0.039) along the Similan island chain after 12 months exposure (February 2007 to February 2008; see Fig. 4) (A), and bioerosion (calculated mass change in calcium carbonate (CaCO3) corrected for accretion due to fouling organisms) on CaCO3 blocks at the central Similan island Ko Miang (see Fig. 1) after 12 months (grey depiction; February 2007 to February 2008; n = 4, degrees of freedom = 1, F-value = 14.4, r2 = 0.30, p<0.001) and 21 months exposure normalized to 1 year (February 2007 to November 2008; n = 4, degrees of freedom = 1, F-value = 17.9, r2 = 0.58, p<0.001) (see Fig. 5; <0, bioerosion) (B) as functions (GLM) of the cumulative negative temperature anomaly (calculated as °C d) of the respective time period. All values are plotted as mean ± SE.