Abbreviations of candidate division used: HC2, Halophilic Cluster 2; KB1, Kebrit Deep Bacteria 1; JS1, Japan Sea 1; MBGA, Crenarchaea Marine Benthic Group A; MGI, Marine Group I of the Thaumarchaeota; MGII, Euryarchaea Marine Group II; MSBLx, Mediterranean Sea Brine Lakes; OD1, OP11-derived 1; OP1 and 11, Obsidian Pool 1 and 11; SA1 and 2, Shaban Deep Archaea 1 and 2; TMEG, Terrestrial Miscellaneous Euryarchaeotal Group; VC2, Euryarchaea Hydrothermal Vent; WS3, Wurtsmith aquifer Sequences 3. Stratification and relative abundance of each phylogenetic group found in different layers of the Lake Medee is shown as percentage of all cloned sequences related to the indicated group.