Figure 1.
Immunohistochemistry of glomerular MG-modified proteins and kidney oxidative stress (n = 5). A: Representative photomicrographs of MG-H1 immunostaining from kidneys of nondiabetic (top panel) and diabetic (bottompanel) Wt (a,d), GLO1-KD (b,e), and GLO1-Tg (c,f) mice. Original magnification ×600. B: Quantitation of MG-H1 immunostaining using image analysis software for each group of mice. C: Kidney 3-NT levels from nondiabetic and diabetic Wt, GLO1-KD, and GLO1-Tg mice. Data are expressed as mean ± SD (*P < 0.05 vs. Wt, ANOVA). AU, arbitrary units.