Figure 1.
Products of all three synapsin genes were detected in the calyx of Held, showing similar expression patterns. (A,B) pan-synapsin I; (C,D) synapsin Ib; (E,F) pan-synapsin II; (G,H) synapsin IIa; (I,J) synapsin IIb; (K,L) synapsin IIIa. Overview images of the MNTBs (A,C,E,G,I,K) stained with synapsin specific antibodies revealed the synapsin isoforms present within the MNTB. High-resolution confocal images (B,D,F,H,J,L) allowed the precise localization of synapsin isoforms within the calyx of Held. Expression of mGFP delineates the calyx membrane, and is presented as a white outline in the magnified images. Synapsin isoforms distribute within the entire volume of the calyx of Held, labeled with mGFP. Images represent single confocal planes in pseudocolors. Scale bars: overviews are 100 μm; single calyces (merged-mGFP) are 10 μm.