Figure 4. Suppression of HCV RC RNA by double infection of the shRNA-expressing AdVs.
HuH 5–15 cells (a) and SGR-JFH1 cells (b) were infected with the VA-deleted AdVs expressing shRNAs and, three days later, the intracellular RNA levels of HCV RC were measured. The copy numbers of HCV RC were 5.7 × 104 copies/cell and 1.4 × 104 copies/cell in the HuH 5–15 cells (a) and the SGR-JFH1 cells (b), respectively. The suppression efficiencies of NC FG AdV and NC VA-deleted AdV were (a) 8.7 (±13.6) and (b) 18.7 (±2.0), respectively. **P < 0.01 against the value of the coinfection (bar 6) (a), (b). The other presentations are the same as in Fig. 3.