Changes in fragment count for a gene does not necessarily equal a change in expression. (a) Simple read-counting schemes sum the fragments incident on a gene's exons. The exon-union model counts reads falling on any of a gene's exons, whereas the exon-intersection model counts only reads on constitutive exons. (b) Both of the exon-union and exon-intersection counting schemes may incorrectly estimate a change in expression in genes with multiple isoforms. The true expression is estimated by the sum of the length-normalized isoform read counts. The discrepancy between a change in the union or intersection count and a change in gene expression is driven by a change in the abundance of the isoforms with respect to one another. In the top row, the gene generates the same number of reads in conditions A and B, but in condition B, all of the reads come from the shorter of the two isoforms, and thus the true expression for the gene is higher in condition B. The intersection count scheme underestimates the true change in gene expression, and the union scheme fails to detect the change entirely. In the middle row, the intersection count fails to detect a change driven by a shift in the dominant isoform for the gene. The union scheme detects a shift in the wrong direction. In the bottom row, the gene's expression is constant, but the isoforms undergo a complete switch between conditions A and B. Both simplified counting schemes register a change in count that does not reflect a change in gene expression.